Greenland changes shape as climate change accelerates

Greenland changes shape as climate change accelerates

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The latest Times Atlas of the World has captured evidence of the dramatic speed at which our world is changing. The map-makers who update their maps every four years have re-defined the boundaries of Greenland, which has become more green as a result of melting ice. In the past 12 years, Greenland has lost 15 percent of its ice cover, and gained new islands. The change, they say, is due to global warming. Watch the video for the full story. --- UPDATE: Scientists have since disputed the claims made by the Times Atlas of the World and say the level of ice loss has been overstated, according to the Science Media Centre . "The Times Atlas maps have been publicised in the media far and wide. But make no mistake: this is not what is happening, this is not science, and this is not what scientists are saying," said Dr Jeffrey S. Kargel, Senior Research Scientist at the University of Arizona. "These new maps are ridiculously off base, way exaggerated relative to the reality of rapid change in Greenland." 3 News source: newshub archive