Prince Charles writes book on climate change

Prince Charles writes book on climate change

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Prince Charles has helped author a book on climate change, styled like a children's book but aimed at adults. Climate Change is part of a new series of Ladybird books which try to explain complex subjects in an easy-to-understand way. The series is modelled on the classic kids' books of the 1960s and '70s, right down to the iconic lettering and hand-drawn illustrations. "I hope we've managed to paint a vivid picture, and, like those iconic titles from the '60s and '70s, created a title that will stand the test of time," environmentalist Tony Juniper, who co-wrote the book with Prince Charles and climate scientist Emily Shuckburgh, told the Mail on Sunday . Their aim was to condense the science of climate change into only 5000 words, and the science been run by experts, including the Royal Meteorological Society, for accuracy. "Telling the story of climate change in 50,000 words would be hard enough, but doing it in 5,000 is, we discovered, a far more challenging job," said Mr Juniper. The book is the first in a new Ladybird series on science - it'll be followed by explainers on quantum mechanics and evolution. "If the style is right, and the information is correct and understandable, the new Ladybird book with royal authorship could be just what is needed to get the message across that everyone needs to take action on climate change," environmental scientist Phillip Williamson of the University of East Anglia told the BBC. Prince Charles has long campaigned on environmental issues, ignoring criticism he should follow his mother's example and stay out of politics. Ladybird books were popular with children in the mid-20th century. In recent years, the publisher released a spoof series aimed at adults on subjects like hangovers, pulling a sickie and dealing with a mid-life crisis. Newshub.