Blaming Trump for climate change is ‘ironic’ given two per cent emissions reduction

Sky News Australia

Blaming Trump for climate change is ‘ironic’ given two per cent emissions reduction

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Environmental policy expert Michael Shellenberger says it is completely unscientific and crazy talk to suggest temperatures rise and forests burn because Donald Trump is the president. Mr Shellenberger said its ironic how climate activists level blame upon President Donald Trump for climate change when emissions are lower now than when he took office. They declined two per cent last year. He said its a crazy notion to suggest Donald Trump is responsible for the current Californian wildfires given it takes 30 years or more for the carbon dioxide to translate to warming. Its so unscientific and yet its clearly been given a pass because the media has been so bias on this because they hate Trump so much, Mr Shellenberger said. They basically want to ascribe every natural disaster, every fire on him. Its really the states fault that you have this huge accumulation of wood fuel, Donald Trump doesnt have anything to do with that. Read More Our Apps