Insurance companies ‘exploit climate alarmism’ for economic benefit

Sky News Australia

Insurance companies ‘exploit climate alarmism’ for economic benefit

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According to Sky News Host Alan Jones, at the very mention of climate change ... large sections of the public are rendered incapable of logical thought. People will believe anything, he said. Mr Jones said insurance companies such as QBE are exploiting climate alarmism by comparing insurance losses over time without making adjustments for increases in population, inflation and increases in wealth. When peer reviewed research is analysed, there is a declining trend in extreme weather-related losses, the exact opposite of the spin put on the issue by the insurance companies" Mr Jones said this spin is "swallowed by the media... who want to promote mindless climate change hysteria. The Insurance Information Institute reported overall losses from worldwide natural catastrophes in 2019 totalled $150 billion which came down from $186 billion in 2018. Mr Jones said the facts are, 2019 was one of the safest years in history from extreme weather and insurance companies like QBE are using an alarmist excuse for jacking up premiums. Read More Our Apps