Labor ‘listening to scientists’ to guide climate change policy

Sky News Australia

Labor ‘listening to scientists’ to guide climate change policy

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Labor MP Matt Thistlethwaite says Labors approach to climate change heading into the next election will be guided by listening to the advice of the scientists. Shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon said Labors emissions policy was far more ambitious than the Coalition's, which sat at 26 to 28 per cent with Kyoto carryover. Mr Thistlethwaite told Sky News the one thing the coronavirus pandemic has highlighted is the importance of taking notice of the scientist thats what has helped Australia get through this pandemic in such good condition. [The] scientific community, the global community signed up to a scenario where we want to limit global warming to two degrees and make sure that we have targets in Australia that are consistent with that, he said. In the past Labor said we shouldnt be using those accounting tricks, that we shouldnt be using Kyoto carryover targets, really its a cop out to try and void real action on climate change. Ultimately when were talking about action on climate change were talking about our kids future. Read More Our Apps