Leaked UN draft climate report: Potential impact for humans

Buenos Aires Times

Leaked UN draft climate report: Potential impact for humans

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A draft report from the UN's climate science advisory panel offers the most exhaustive look yet at how our warming planet will impact humankind's health, wealth and well-being.  AFP had exclusive access to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) draft, set to be published next year.  Here are some of its findings on impacts on people:   The report shows how climate change has already decreased major crop production globally and is predicted to impact yields throughout the 21st century, putting greater pressure on countries with a growing number of mouths to feed.   Rising temperatures will reduce people's physical ability to work, with much of South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and parts of Central and South America losing up to 250 working days a year by 2100.   As rising temperatures expand the habitat of mosquitoes, by 2050 half the world's population is predicted to be at risk of vector-borne diseases such as dengue fever, yellow fever and Zika virus.  by Marlowe Hood, with Patrick Galey and Kelly Macnamara, AFP