Climate change alarmism is a ‘cult’ which logic cannot ‘cure’: Cory Bernardi

Sky News Australia

Climate change alarmism is a ‘cult’ which logic cannot ‘cure’: Cory Bernardi

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Sky News host Cory Bernardi says climate change alarmism is a cult which reason and logic seem unable to cure. No one seemed able to explain how or why the climate has been much warmer and cooler previously, and yet apparently now it's a man-made catastrophe, Mr Bernardi said. Mr Bernardi remarks that actual evidence shows meteorological phenomena such as cyclones and bushfires are decreasing in intensity in some cases. The reason for that is because most people haven't got a clue how the weather cult has been manipulated as a means of control. Allowing the world to think that disaster is imminent and man is somehow responsible, allows bad actors to seize control of your life and implement an agenda that empowers them. Read More Our Apps