What We Can Learn About Online Privacy From Climate Change

The New York Times

What We Can Learn About Online Privacy From Climate Change

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Real action to protect privacy hinges on big institutions, to the point that small, individual measures pale in comparison. But there are still ways to act. Every time we see a fresh example of by the same tech companies that tout a commitment to protect it, the same reactions pop up. Boycott the service, stop using their products, . Theyre all valid responses. Then many of us ask ourselves: What can we do to protect our privacy? Deleting accounts and giving up on offending services can be good moves. But lets be realistic: Theyre small measures when you consider the big picture, that the gears of the online world are greased with our data. And there is no sign of that changing anytime soon. After all, if its not one tech giant with all of your data, itll probably be another, right? So whats the point of even trying to switch? If being overwhelmed by the scale of the problem feels familiar, it should. Its a lot like climate change. Obviously, eroding internet privacy wont physically transform our planet for generations to come. But it is the kind of that requires giant organizations like governments and corporations to take the threat seriously and act accordingly, rather than say theyre concerned and promising to do better in the future. Real action on climate hinges on these big players to the point that small personal measures pale in comparison. Yes, protecting our privacy demands that we each and , but uninstalling Facebook and deleting your Instagram account wont keep the data these and other companies have on you from being bought, sold, analyzed and aggregated. Today its Facebook in the spotlight for opening its data floodgates and phone numbers to its clients. Tomorrow itll be , or has been , or is with a country that doesnt have the same standards around humans rights. So where does that leave us? If uninstalling apps that spy on you and leaving data-hungry services wont change much of anything, what can we do that makes a real difference? Well, first, dont discount the power of individual actions. They add up, and even small steps can mean a lot to you personally. Theres an old saying that just because you cant do everything doesnt mean you shouldnt do anything. It applies just as much to internet privacy as it does to climate change or other big, thorny issues that seem like theyre out of reach to solve. Many tech companies, especially smaller ones with more active or dedicated customers, often switch gears or walk back policy changes when their users are unhappy with them. It doesnt hurt to let companies of any size know that you care about your privacy, and youll walk away if they wont take it seriously. Dont take it out on their customer service staff, because they dont make the rules. But your voice can carry weight. Earlier this year, after revelations that a political consulting firm had inappropriately harvested Facebook user data, the number of people using Facebook started to slow down and the companys bottom line took a hit. When it announced its first quarterly earnings during that time, Facebooks stock plunged, . Next, its important to read up and get involved. , or check out services like or to see if they have a plain-language version you can look at. Information is your most powerful weapon, partially because so much of the language that surrounds internet privacy and what data goes where is intentionally murky and difficult to understand. If you have an idea of what information you trade when you install an app or sign up for a new account, you can decide whether that service is worth it to you. Similarly, keep an eye on broader efforts to rein in these companies, both abroad and at home. This year, privacy advocates joined lawmakers in passing (the , also known as G.D.P.R.) . While the California state law isnt as sweeping as G.D.P.R., it does set a template that advocates in other states are eager to follow, and that tech firms . Learning what those laws mean for you and either in support or in opposition to them may sound dangerously like getting involved in politics. (Spoiler: It is!) But it can be as powerful as uninstalling an app or browser extension, especially on the local or state level. Dont believe it? . is the editor of , a section that aims to help readers live better, healthier, happier lives. Before joining The Times, he was editor-in-chief of Lifehacker. He is based in New York.