Biden signs executive order on environmental justice

The Daily Mail

Biden signs executive order on environmental justice

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President Biden on Friday signed an executive order declaring 'environmental justice' a priority at federal agencies. It creates a new Office of Environmental Justice that will be led by a Federal Chief Environmental Justice Officer, tasked with overseeing environmental justice goals across government. The order is meant to ensure lower income people and minorities do not suffer 'disproportionate environmental harms,' particularly those inflicted due to a 'legacy of racial discrimination including redlining.' In addition, the order will require agencies to notify nearby communities in the event of a release of toxic substances from a federal facility and directs agencies to address gaps in science, data and research related to environmental justice. In addition the White House announced it is launching a new environmental justice score card that will assess federal agencies' records on environmental justice. They also announced new programs covered by 'Justice40' which says 40 percent of all resources of certain federal investments must flow to 'disadvantaged communities.' Biden has made fighting climate change one of his top priorities. 'The United States is taking a bold action to put our energy sector on a path toward net zero emissions by no later than 2050,' he said.