
15,775 articles from 22 newspapers.

Newspaper Article Count Average Word Count
Al Jazeera 826 754.6
The Atlantic 632 1448.2
Buenos Aires Times 253 780.5
The BBC 939 903.3
China Daily 505 598.0
CNN 832 909.9
Daily Nation 563 709.2
Daily Post 247 506.5
The Daily Mail 1030 749.6
Deutsche Welle 489 858.7
The Economist 742 1023.3
Folha de S.Paulo 338 389.3
Fox News 752 612.0
The Guardian 1280 958.8
The Independent 849 759.9 609 571.9
The New York Times 768 1373.5
The New Zealand Herald 846 932.9
Sky News Australia 925 105.2 1004 760.4
The Washington Post 784 1269.5
The Yomiuri Shimbun 562 591.3